Linkin Park History

Thursday, July 9, 2009 ·

Initial establishment of the first Linkin Park Mike Shinoda and Brad Delson (Linkin Park guitarist) in class 7. Then they form a band called Xero. Brad also played for the band Relative Degree, one of personilnya namely Rob Bourdon (Linkin Park drummer). Mike acquainted with through Brad and Rob Rob joined the Xero. During lectures, Brad acquainted with Dave "Phoenix" Farrell (Linkin Park bassis) which is a roommate Brad. Mike, take the illustration department at the University of Arts Pasadena, met with Joe Hahn (Linkin Park turntablis). Then, Dave Farrell and Joe Hahn joined with Xero. Xero Dave had to leave to rejoin the band ever, Tasty Snax.

Initially, they recruited Mark Wakefield the vocalist, and taken over by Chester Bennington (former vocalist Gray Daze) until now, while rapper Mike so ago. Sialnya, as the name of Xero has used another group, they were forced to change name to Hybrid Theory. Then, Hybrid Theory signed a recording contract with a company called Warner Bros.. Records after successfully launching the EP titled EP Hybrid Theory in 1999 as many as a thousand pieces

Once again, they were forced to change the name because the name of Hybrid Theory is similar to the name of music group Hybrid that came from Wales. Than the band considered to be the same, they choose the name changed again to be Linkin Park. Chester is the name taken from the name of a park in Los Angeles, Lincoln Park. In order to manage your own website, Chester ejaannya change into Linkin Park. After that, they succeeded in buying the website


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